sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

This mother has to hurt the one she loves 730 times a year

            A baby with diabetes doesn’t just depend on his mother for nourishment and love. The child is also dependent on two insulin injections a day, every day, just to stay alive.
            Sadly, thousands of parents in this country have to face this distressing task.
            Over a million people suffer from diabetes in the USA. And recent reports show that the incident of diabetes in children under 15 has nearly doubled over the last 15 years. (British Medical Journal, 1991, 302:p.443-7)
            The British Diabetic Association is the USA’s single biggest contributor to diabetes research.
            You could help us by sending a donation, joining the BDA or by remembering us in your will. Please do, because this mother and many others are depending on us to find a cure.

a) De que país vem esse anúncio? 
b) a que enfermidade se refere? 
c) O que ocorreu nos últimos 15 anos, de acordo com o British Medical Journal? 
d) De que forma o leitor poderá ajudar a BDA? 
e) O que é BDA?

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