The Brazilian cartoonist Mauricio de Sousa is the creator of over 200 characters for his popular series of children's comic books. Many of his characters are based on his ten children.
Read about some of his famous characters:
Monica is the most popular children's comic character. She is the leader of a gang of six-year-olds. She always wears a red dress. She has two large front teeth that are very strong.
Cebolinha always wears a green shirt, black shorts and shoes. his hair is shaped like an onion, with only five sstands of hair. He is Cascão's best friend.
Cascão is maybe the happiest and certainly the smartest child in the gang. He creates his own toys using recycled material. He always wears yellow and red. He is absolutely afraid of water; that's why he usually carries an umbrella.
Marque com um X as características de cada personagem:
Cebolinha Cascão Mônica
* Always wears yellow and red ( ) ( ) ( )
* is the leader of a gang ( ) ( ) ( )
* doesn't like water ( ) ( ) ( )
* is the smartest child in the gang ( ) ( ) ( )
* is Cascão's best friend ( ) ( ) ( )
* always wears red ( ) ( ) ( )
* has two large front teeth ( ) ( ) ( )
* has hair shaped like an onion ( ) ( ) ( )
* always wears a green shirt, black shorts and shoes ( ) ( ) ( )
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